7 Tips to Reduce Stress & Get More Done

I don't know about you, but I definitely get exhausted after a day filled with reactive vs proactive work.  There is no doubt that self-management is a challenge and I am always looking for new mental tricks to be as productive as possible.  If any of you are having similar issues, try some of these simple steps:

1. Write down requests (so they out of your head)

Many people get caught up trying to use their email communications as a task tracking tool.  However, sooner than later, you will "loose" an email and spend the better part of an afternoon searching for it only to discover that the subject was unrelated to the request and/or expected keywords are missing.  I think everyone has run across one of these cryptic emails once or twice. Instead, try to pivot from reactive to proactive work style by logging requests into a PM tool.  Some awesome existing web tools are Trello, Teamwork, Asana and for the more daring, Podio.

2. Itemize major steps (as needed)

We all have heard of several time management techniques to improve focus and increase workload/capacity.  everything from Inbox Zero to the Pomodoro technique, which is based off a 15-minute kitchen timer.  However, often these methods break down or are completely ignored over time and, usually, when under pressure.  So, instead of creating all the subtasks upfront or breaking up your day into arbitrary units, just start with a couple obvious ones, something like Research & Provide Estimate.

3. Learn to walk away (for your sanity)

Probably the most important part of the process is to, simply, walk away. Take a break, go for a walk, do a chore, run an errand. This essential decompression will keep you energized throughout the day, allow you to do yoga the same day as a project deadline and still have plenty of time for a nice family dinner.

4. Jot down your ideas (when they strike you)

When the light bulb arrives, add it as a comment/note on your research task. Start planning your steps and adding them to the list.  Before you know it, the plan has practically built itself and you are easily able to provide an to estimate.

5. Be curious (because why not?)

Be sure to ask for more details about the request's requirements and expectations (parameters).  It is often better to ask as many questions as you can. Not only will you be better prepared to deliver to spec and on time, you will also, effectively, generate a higher quality result and inadvertently align expectations with realistic delivery.

6. Confirm & Complete (and Confirm again!)

Build confidence by consistently engaging the originator of the request. Delivering early and often is great, but if you don't get them to verify it is correct along the way, they won't check until everything has been completed.  The last thing you want us to have to redo your work or waste time. Unless you are being paid to provide multiple solutions/options, I suppose.

7. Work passionately (there is no other H-way!)

Bottom line, choose only those projects that you feel passionate about or provides you with a specific benefit.  The last thing you want, is to find yourself at a dead end job working on pointless initiatives.

This post was inspired by...

How to Stay Focused by Brandon Buchard


  1. Almost everything else can turn into an extraneous drain on your time and increase your stress. An optimistic mindset can help you develop a better perspective on life.buy har vokse

    1. Yes, energy spent outside of your main goals has to potential to cause additional stress. However, I would challenge that some stress it good. If it helps to drive you towards your goals, without causing burnout, do it!

  2. or for a run (i do boxing and...idea how much that gets out of me) 7 writing. stressing me out on.to someone who ...make them more visual for you. Overwatch Soldier 76 Jacket

    1. I love the visuals, Andy! Sorry for the delay in response. But, just in case you are still around. Yes! You are absolutely right. Exercise is a VERY useful tool to manage stress. Not only is it a great way to release those feel happy brain chemicals, but it is much like meditation. I often get my best ideas when I do something else for a while, and even more-so if the activity is physically or mentally challenging. Great point!

  3. Hi Nathan!

    Sorry for the delay in response. Did you get your website up yet? This website is run on Blogger, which is completely free. However, you would need some software development knowledge in order to implement a custom theme. Wordpress is the most popular content management system for good reason. It is easy to use, easy to design (with drag-drop plugins like Divi or Elementor). However, if you are just looking to write and that's it, I would suggest publishing on a platform like Medium. You can even get paid to write, when you get enough likes! I think it really depends on your goals, though. Please feel free to reach out to me here via the chat or contact us page. I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you about this.

  4. Hi Eva! Sorry for the delay in response here. I hope you are doing well. I'm not sure I follow your question. But, if you mean the other side of stress... I would say that stress can be a useful tool, as long as it serves to drive you. Does that answer your question? If not, please clarify and I will be sure to respond more quickly this time!

  5. Hey John! You are totally right, CBD has been found to be a great benefit for many dealing with stress factors. However, I would challenge that if you don't address the root issues and/or generators of your stress, even something therapeutic like CBD might be more of a bandaid than a solution.

  6. Thanks for posting! Very helpful to know the symptoms, as well! Sometimes it is not so easy to tell. :)

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