Why I Moved to Substack: More than Just a Platform Shift

After years of writing on Blogspot and Medium, I’ve made the jump to Substack, and it wasn’t a decision I took lightly. These platforms have been a wonderful space for me to share ideas and engage with readers. But like everything, growth is key, and Substack offers something different — something that’s hard to pass up.

Growth-Centric Features for Writers
Substack isn’t just a place to publish; it’s a place to grow. One of the standout features for me was their recommendation system. Substack makes it easy for readers who love your work to discover other like-minded writers. This collaborative ecosystem helps amplify voices, whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced writer looking to expand your audience.

Collaboration & Referrals
On Medium, collaboration often felt siloed. Substack takes a different approach, offering collaboration tools that allow writers to work together more seamlessly, which I believe fosters a richer exchange of ideas. Plus, their referral program is a brilliant way to organically grow your audience through trusted networks. Readers referring readers — it’s as simple as that, and it’s powerful.

Ownership & Flexibility
While I loved my time on Blogspot and Medium, Substack gives more control over my audience and my content. It allows me to build a direct, personal relationship with readers, free from algorithms dictating who sees my posts.

So, I’m excited to dive deeper into this new chapter on Substack. If you’ve followed me here, I hope you stick around for what’s next — there’s plenty more to come!


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