
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to extend an existing Drupal 8 Form

The Drupal FOSS CMS (Free and Open Source Software Content Management System) is considered to be the one of the most developer friendly CMS available. However, for those new to Drupal, something as "simple" as changing the text displayed after submitting a form can be daunting. Originally released in 2011, with Drupal 7, the Drupal Entity API defines different types of information stored and displayed in Drupal. When Drupal 8 was released, the concept was further refined into what's referred to as "specifically typed objects", meaning that each Entity is defined as having a specific set of information and operations that can be performed on it. As you might imagine, Drupal 8 Forms are used to perform operations on Entities, such as add, edit, and delete. When creating a form, a form handler is used to define which class should be used. So, when you want to modify the implementation of a form, you will need to extend the original ...