The only true constant is Change
Everything in this universe changes, including ourselves. We strive for stability with every step by obtaining new income, relationships, items. However, ultimately, we are always in flux. Even the reasons we use to justify our choices are faulty. For instance, let's say you decide to buy a new car because your current vehicle's maintenance costs are high and gas mileage is poor. Using your rational decision making process via research and review, you find a new vehicle that serves your needs and has a lower cost of ownership. In fact, you discover that your accumulated savings for the next year would mean you could go on that cruise you have been talking about going on for a few years. Well, a lot of things can happen in a year and your environment can change easily. The trick is to allow this change. Don't give up on your dreams and goals, just allow them to change. Recently, I was reminded of this when I discovered I had a blood clot in my left calf. Faced with a ...