
Showing posts from May, 2007

Before and After Weight Watchers...

According to popular demand... BEFORE AFTER b4nafterWW.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The before pic on the left was taken at my company's Holiday Party in 2005. At my top weight in Jan '06, a month later, I was around 220 lbs. I promptly joined the Weight Watchers at work program in Mar '06 and have lost about 75 lbs since. The after pic on the right was taken on Apr 15, 2007 when I was weighing in at 154 lbs. I reached my Weight Watchers goal and became a lifetime member on Apr 23, 2007. Blogged with Flock

My Fav Podcasts

Here is a list of all my Favorite Podcasts and thier corresponding links. I admit that I am more well-rounded due to these casts, take a look, you may enjoy them as well! :) Best Damn Tech Show: WWW RSSmp3 RSSmov RSS Pluggd Fresh Ubuntu: BLOGogg ORG COM tipShack Pligg Going Linux: WWW RSSmp3 RSSOgg iTunes PodcastAlley Geek News Central: WWW RSSmp3 RSSblog MAIL TechPN iTunes Y!POD ZENcast IT Idiots: WWW iTunes RSSshow Linux Reality: WWW RSSmp3 RSSogg Feedmp3 RYOS (Run Your Own Server): WWW FORUM RSSmp3 DIGG PICKLE RSSblog Source Trunk: WWW RSSmp3 RSSogg iTunes PodcastAlley TechPN NetVibes LugRadio: WWW RSSmp3 RSSogg FORUM LugRadioLive Tech Chick Tips: WWW FORUM RSSmp3 ShowNotes Tech Snark: WWW iTunes RSSmp3 Feedmp3 DIGG FORUM eMail The Linux Action Show: WWW RSSmp3 RSSogg iTunes FORUM Contact The Tech Teachers: WWW DIGG RSSmp3 iTunes ViTunes Frappr FEEDatom The Vista Show: WWW i...

Typical AZ Dust Storm

When most people think of Arizona, they think of cute lizards and prickly pear cactus. But, here in AZ we actually have pretty weird weather. I live in a Dust Storm corridor where often we encounter Mummy-movie-like walls of dust. Here are a couple videos I took with my Casio Exilim EX-S600 tonight. Enjoy! :) NOTE: photobucket doesn't allow videos over 5 mins, so the first one is the 1st 5 mins and the 2nd is the last 1 min 23 secs of the first video. Also, click the link if you are feeding off the feedburner RSS feed with your own RSS client and cannot see the embedded video. The Dust Storm! (first 5 mins) link The Dust Storm! (cont'd...) link Sunset Afterwards... link technorati tags: Video , Home , Casio , Exilim , EX-S600 , Dust , AZ Blogged with Flock